Friday, June 22, 2007

climbing a mountain - Vallunaraju - GO MICHAEL

so we did it - well, some of us...
we got up early, had breakfast, arranged equpiment inside the muchillas (which was amazingly heavy) and headed out the door of our friends in Andean Kingdom.
Of course, as all in Huaraz, it all starts with a dirt (¨curcar¨) road going up the mountain from the middle of the town. We are climbing and going higher and higher... then after 2 hours or so our new guide Ricard stops the taxi, and he and his brother Samuel leave the car, with us still napping behind them. We put it all on us (dammit heavy) and start climbing. not vertical wall, but yes pretty steep! we keep climbing for 3.5 hours. we reach the base camp when its almost night fall (which makes our guide nervous and he is charging ahead not waiting for us...). we have a quick dinner (soup and pasta) and we try to go to sleep.
we are now at about 4800 meteres hight, wearing silk underware, cotton, fleece and a dawn coat and FREEEZING our asses even inside the -45 degrees sleeping bag we rented.
At 12:30 after midnight, when my clock is not even trying to ring its alarm, we wake up to the sounds of our guide and his ermano cooking breakfast... its pitch dark (beautiful stars) and amazingly cold and I decide I´m not doing this. At this point nothing can change my mind and the 3 of them take all the equipment and start climbing the mountain.

Here I´m leaving room for Michael to describe his experience (11 hours!!!). I stayed on the base camp and slept in coldness and alons, a little scared but mostly for my love. they returned at 11:30 am, and in Michael words ¨this is the hardest thing I ever did in my life, I´m so happy you decided to stay...¨.

He did it! My man climbed a glaciour. I can tell you I´m sooo proud.
Photo Left: The Man
Photo Right: The Mountain (two peaks like the head of a bull)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always knew you were a mountain man. *Hums banjo from Deliverance*

thanks for the call last week. Stay safe and have loads more fun!
