Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Huaraz - Ice climbing indeed!

So, to get more acclimated and to reach even better goals, we decided to head out to the Patoruri glaciuor (sp?) and not just go there, but go and climb its big wall of ice!
And we did!
Again with Julio and the Andean Kingdom team (as we are doing all our trekks with them).
Left early in the morning, and reached the icy top around 1-2 pm. It was really great. not too much walking, and it was a little colder today (even snowy) but it was fun. You need to have thos special boots, and special pointy things attached to them. And you also have a helmet, and an ice axe in each hand, and you need to move your butt up! and as close to the ice as possible!
Its lots of fun.

and here´s a picture of Michael climbing! YES! And one of Mor´s so you would believe me we did it!

Did I mention we LOVE Huaraz? its such a small pretty town, with nice people, cheap and great food!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! You go girl!!!! What guts! Unbelievable! Glad to see you're having such a fabulous time :-)

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! You guys are going to be in great shape when you come back. I'm jealous. I think I'm going to go to the gym.

Love you and miss you,

Zohar said...


wow... ice climbing ... very cool!

Big Fat Rat said...

I had to see it with my own eyes. You didn't mention any vertical walls when you told me about the climbing...

Cheers... Cuzco is not the same without you two.

Harish patish rulez!!!